Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss


Suicide is very difficult to understand. People have a very difficult time reconciling it with their theology. This is especially true when a believer has made this heartbreaking choice. Poor teaching complicates this for many. Passages in 1 Corinthians and 1 John are often presented as evidence that suicide is unforgivable, raising questions about eternal life. Let’s take a closer look at this.

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Encouragement, Prayer Larry Eiss Encouragement, Prayer Larry Eiss

Frustrated with God

Having been sent by God to speak to Pharaoh, Moses was frustrated. He said, “Lord, why have You brought harm to this people? Why did You ever send me? Ever since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done harm to this people…” (Exodus 5:22b-23a, NASB 2020).

Then, and I just love this, he said…

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Unity and Peace

What we are discovering here is that Love is the sinew, or the fastener, or the uniting bond that ties all these godly virtues together and this results in unity of the Spirit, or as Paul will frame it in Ephesians 4:13 “the unity of the faith.”

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss


From time to time, I like to repeat a statement that I once read or heard— “I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this age before.” It’s humorous because while it is silly, it is also true. It can be easy for us to feel the same way about thinking, talking, and acting like saints. We don’t know how.

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Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Worthy Walking

Father works to make our desires consistent with His own. He does not do this through coercion or manipulation, but rather by compassionately guiding us and demonstrating for us His gentle Love and genuine care. In this way, we become fascinated by the Lord Jesus, bound to Him and captivated by Him. It is from this wonderful place that we should consider the guidance that follows.

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Equipping, Bible Larry Eiss Equipping, Bible Larry Eiss

Entire Sanctification

The word behind “sanctify” (hagiazo) in verse 23 uses a rare form called the optative mood. Out of 28,121 verbs in the New Testament, this form occurs only about 68 times. It is the form used in Romans 6:15 when Paul asks whether we should just keep on sinning since we are not under Law, but under grace. His response is an emphatic “Far from it!” or “God forbid!” This verb form indicates the word is to be applied in the strongest terms. That’s why the translators render it “sanctify you completely.”

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Edification, Faith Larry Eiss Edification, Faith Larry Eiss

A Measure of Faith

To have greater faith, or grow in faith, means coming to believe with greater certainty, and that, to me, is trust. That's why I say “trust gives legs to faith.” It is by growing in our knowledge of Him, His vastness, His character, that our temporal lives are transformed without striving in the flesh.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Rooted and Grounded

This is his prayer for the saints of Ephesus, and it is one on which we can pattern prayers of our own. First, we might be reminded that Christ does indeed dwell in our hearts. We don’t see Him there nor physically feel Him, yet by faith we are assured that He is there.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: The Source of Strength

This verse closes out Paul’s lengthy parenthetical comment. It is a bit difficult, and the Greek syntax allows for three potential ways of understanding Paul’s meaning. The best of these, which fits well with his urging them to remain strong despite the difficulties Paul is facing, has a parallel in Philippians 1:27–30

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Paul’s Assigned Job

Note here that Paul is saying he is less than the least of all saints because he is deeply grateful for the grace of God. He knows that without grace, his religious righteousness, which looked to be perfect to those around him, was worthless and had him just as hell bound as any other murderer.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: The Great Mystery

Clearly there are things that were said to the Jews primarily for their use, just as some things are said to the Gentiles primarily for our use. But in the end, there is one Gospel that applies to everyone on earth equally and in the same way. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Simplicity in Christ

Before we get too far into this passage, I want to take a moment to talk about this word “dispensation”. I think this is important so that you have some background for the day when someone comes along and starts talking about “rightly dividing” scripture according to dispensations.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Voluntary Slavery

Paul, who elsewhere wrote that it was for freedom that Christ has set us free, refers to himself as the prisoner of Jesus Christ. This immediately brings to mind his comments in Romans 6:18 “Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.”

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Bible, Equipping Larry Eiss Bible, Equipping Larry Eiss

The Bible Means what it Says

Sometimes what it says may be unclear. Sometimes what it says is different from what we initially think it says. To figure that out, we examine a particular text using a few rules to help us avoid reading our own ideas into it.

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Edification, Creation Larry Eiss Edification, Creation Larry Eiss

God Cursed the Ground

In a recent article, I wrote that God cursed the ground, but if we read this passage carefully, we see that the ground was cursed because of what Adam had done. So, there is deeper truth here that was not addressed in what I wrote earlier.

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