Jesus Said This About You

What Jesus Says is True of You

A few things Jesus said (in John 17:13-25) are true of you:

He gave you the word of God. (He gave you Himself)

You are not of the world just as He is not of the world. (You are born of God)

You are in Christ and in God, just as the Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father. (Making you one spirit with Him)

The glory given to Jesus by the Father was given to you by Jesus. (You are blameless and holy)

The Father loves you just as He loves Jesus. (Unfailingly and unconditionally)

Jesus wants you to be with Him where he is so that you can see His glory. (And you are: See Ephesians 2:6)

The love the Father had for Jesus from before the foundation of the world is in you! (Let that stuff leak out everywhere!)


Godly Behavior


These Things are True of You