Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Walking in Style

Removing the filthy rags of self-effort that we previously wore and replacing them with the gleaming white garments of righteousness changes our appearance. Far from looking like destitute and homeless vagrants, we are now clothed with bespoke, stylish, designer clothes. Our new look is described in the reminder of chapter four.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Anger and Wrath

“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” has been used as marital advice indicating that all conflict should be resolved before retiring for the evening. Such teaching may be rejected without concern. Marriage is not in view here at all. Looking at verse 25 we see “We are members one of another.” Clearly it is believers in the Church who are Paul’s audience.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: You Have Learned Better

We can learn something when we take note of the name chosen in reference to the Lord Jesus. He can be referred to in a number of ways because He is the son of man, a human man who walked the earth. He is the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed One, the Savior of the world. He is also Lord; indeed, He is King of kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Lamb of God. He is the Son of God. He is God.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: You Were Taught

Lust, fleshly desire, is very deceiving. At first glance it can seem appealing. If we don’t look too closely, it can appear to be what we want. It can momentarily feel fulfilling, but it’s all a sham. Like a Hollywood movie set, behind the beautiful facade is nothing but empty space and rough braces to keep the fake beauty from falling flat.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Don’t Live That Way

In this part of Ephesians, the focus is on our walk, our manner of living. No doubt you will recall that at the beginning of chapter four, Paul urged that we walk, or live, in a manner worthy of our calling. Now the script is flipped, and we are cautioned against living in the manner of the unsaved, referred to here as “the [other] Gentiles.”

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Faith, Equipping Larry Eiss Faith, Equipping Larry Eiss

Proving Yeast

If the dough rises, however, you can be sure there is living yeast in it. Risen dough is evidence that there is life in the yeast. James said something similar; “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” (James 2:24, NASB 2020)

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss


The idea of speaking the truth in love has been taken out of context by many and used as a pretext for a punitive approach to “helping” those who have stumbled. Under the guise of “tough love” many have been harmed and deeply hurt by Christians who misread this verse to be saying that we are to do whatever it takes to correct the faults of others, no matter the cost.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Strategic Purpose

Unity of the faith is a strategic goal of God for His children. More than a goal, it is accomplished in the heavenly realm. Here in this temporal terrarium however, we live under the shadow of death. We live under “the law of the fall.” Consequently, unity requires the Holy Spirit energizing gifted members of the body to function together as they are designed to do.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: The Purpose of Gifts

“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

This is such a wonderful verse. It is one of the verses that inspired the stated purpose of my teaching ministry—Edify, Encourage, Equip (E3).

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Gifts With a Purpose

I don’t know about you, but I am very glad that Father saw to it that each of us individually has gifts that fit us. The body, we are told, has many parts and every part has its function and is valuable and useful.

I’m not an evangelist. I’m awkward at it and it simply doesn’t fit me. I’ve met people who are evangelists, and they seem to be at ease in that role. For sure, they are gifts from God Nevertheless, I too am a gift from God—as are you.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Ascending and Descending

This text seems to be derived from Psalm 68:18. That verse says in part, “Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: Thou hast received gifts for men.” You may notice that Paul does not quote this verbatim. Rather than indicating that the One who ascended received gifts for men, Paul says He gave gifts to men.

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Revelation, Apocalypse Larry Eiss Revelation, Apocalypse Larry Eiss

God is on the Throne

We must remember that The Revelation is a book of signs and symbols. If we let go of that and begin to press everything we read into physical items and situations we will find confusion and fear. Only when we see these visions and John’s relation of them for what they are, a symbolic revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the new creation He has inaugurated and continues to consummate in history will we find comfort and encouragement.

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Edification, Sin Larry Eiss Edification, Sin Larry Eiss

Christians Cannot Sin

The issue is at least partially how one chooses to define sin. In various places we are told that sin is the transgression of the law, that whatever is not of faith is sin, and so on. The Greek word for sin is (hamartia). At its most basic, this word means to miss the mark.

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