Growth and Contentment

Growth and Contentment

Two-year-old children feel no shame over their inability compose music on the piano.
Five-year-olds don't feel guilty that they can't grasp calculus or solve differential equations.
Children of seven don't beat themselves up over not having mastered rocket science.
At ten, no child yet has counted themselves a failure for making no contribution to the field of particle physics.

Children know that they need to grow.
Children want to grow.
Children feel no guilt or shame in being exactly where they are on the continuum of maturity.

I think I would have had a much less frustrating life as a Christian had I understood how that might apply to my life in Christ. For years I didn't realize that it was perfectly acceptable for me to be exactly where I was in my faith and in my understanding of God.

He's not disappointed with how few verses you've memorized.
He's not impatiently tapping His foot because you don't grasp all the doctrine your respected sibling does.
He's not on the edge of His throne with worry that your faith is tenuous or you have unresolved doubts.
He's not seeing a therapist because he's concerned about your continuing struggle with ______________.

Let me encourage you with this:
You can be relaxed and content. Father loves and enjoys you right where you are.

That's the way of grace. He who has begun a good work in you will see it through to completion.




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