The Bible Means what it Says

The Bible Means what it Says.

Sometimes what it says may be unclear. Sometimes what it says is different from what we initially think it says. To figure that out, we examine a particular text using a few rules to help us avoid reading our own ideas into it.

We look at the plain meaning in the translation we are reading. We might also examine how translators rendered it in other versions.

We consider the context of what is being said in light of the rest of the book in which it is written.

We consider the audience to whom that particular passage was written and how they would have understood it in their cultural environment (to the extent we are able—which can usually be pretty good if we really dig).

We consider what the entirety of scripture teaches about the subject.

We consider what we know about the nature of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.

We might even look at the ancient languages to see if a more complete understanding of word meaning and usage will reveal additional insight.

We trust that Holy Spirit is leading us into Truth. We pay attention when something seems unsettling about our understanding of the passage. We also pay attention when we suddenly gain clarity and peaceful validation within.

In this way, we discover what is true about the passage and what is not.

There are many great resources to help us in this endeavor. Free ones include websites such as and


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