Being a Do Nothing Christian

Here’s what I’ve found. Father knows that people like me have a lot of unlearning to do, so He is very patient while we get it all sorted out.

I’ve learned that resting in the finished work of Christ is not so much doing nothing as it is simply living my everyday living with my wife, driving around, eating, shopping life and simply not wasting time wondering if I’m doing what God wants me to do.

I found that when I truly relaxed and gave up trying to do anything “for” God, He brought all manner of busyness into my sphere, and I’ve become very busy indeed. The difference is that now I know for sure whether I do things like online ministry, preaching on Sunday, or just decide to forget all that and go on vacation with my wife for a month, Father is very pleased with me.

All the pressure is out of it. If He wants the online ministry to grow, He can sure see to it. If He wants me to talk to a couple in the Courtyard Hotel in Lubbock Texas, He can get me there, bring a stray cat along to start the conversation, and get them asking questions of my wife and me for 45 minutes—this actually happened.

Father is big, He’s powerful, and He is absolutely clever enough to put the “good works He has prepared for us in advance that we should walk in them” in our path and give you the desire to do them (see Philippians 2:13). In the meantime, we can let go and do what we do. Or we can wait and do nothing at all for a while. Surprisingly, He will very often work in that nothing to bless people.

If you just need something to do, you can choose anything consistent with godliness that you like, and He will be in that too.

As my friend, Dr. Andrew Farley has said, “God is behind every door.”


Frustrated with God


EPHESIANS: Unity and Peace