You are Loved

You Are Loved

It's common for us to wonder about our spiritual growth or maturity.

We want to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord.
We want to be more consistent in living with love and grace to those around us.
We also struggle with our imperfections.
We notice our failings.

In Philippians 1:6 Paul makes it clear that, just like growing from childhood to adulthood, it's not up to us to make ourselves grow and mature. He says that it is God Himself who will complete the good work He has begun in us.

There it is again, that easy yoke and light burden so characteristic of Jesus. Rest for the people of God. The peaceful fruit of the Spirit.

You are loved.

Think of the love of a child for a teddy bear.
Father loves you more than that.

Think of the love of a mother for her child.
Father loves you more than that.

Think of the greatest love you’ve ever known.
Father loves you more than that.

Think of the greatest love you can imagine.
Father loves you more than that.

He is love.


The Straight and Narrow


Speak to the Rock