He Knows Part 1

He Knows Part 1

After introducing Himself, the Lord Jesus tells each of the churches a number of things He knows about them. We can gain great value from looking at these things. That the Lord knows all these things should bring us great comfort. He is not far off. He walks among the churches. He lives among His people. He is the Good Shepherd, the Perfect Husband, the Source of our Life.


Revelation 2:2–3 lists some things He knows about the church at Ephesus. “I know your deeds and your labor and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil people, and you have put those who call themselves apostles to the test, and they are not, and you found them to be false; and you have perseverance and have endured on account of My name, and have not become weary.” (NASB 2020)

He knows the things the church does, how hard they work, and that they stick with it.

We know that we are saved by the grace of God through faith and that our salvation and right standing with God is not by works of any kind. We also know that Jesus told us that His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. He said that He will provide rest for our souls. We hear often that we are free to rest in the finished work of Christ.

All these things are true. Knowing these truths may seem to imply that we are to be passive and simply allow Father to work through us by His Spirit. It may seem that perhaps we are to take no initiative, perform no activity. But to think this way reflects an incomplete understanding of the work Father has done for, in, and to, us.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (NASB 2020)

Clearly there are things we are designed to do. Apparently, these things are to characterize our lives. That’s what walking in them means. Mike Q. Daniel has made an excellent point in saying, “The opposite of grace is not works. The opposite of grace is merit.”

Do you see it?

Works is not a dirty word. Our lives are to be characterized by good works. These works are not born of some obligation, duty, or servitude as though by them we could pay back a debt, earn meritorious honor, or escape punishment. Philippians 2:13 helps us understand this when it points out that, “it is God who is at work in you, both to desire and to work for His good pleasure.” (NASB 2020)

Titus 2:11–12 helps us further. There we find that “the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age” (NASB 2020)

Father has not left us helpless. It is His Spirit, the helper, within us that energizes us by supplying everything we need for life and godliness to the point where it overflows from us like a living waterfall. The good works to which we are called come from His abundant supply. We lack nothing, so we can freely live and freely love.

God’s Spirit within us brings with Him the fruit characteristic of God. Galatians 5:22-23 lists aspects of that fruit, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (NASB 2020) The fruit He generates within us is not something we must work to produce. It springs from the living Spirit with whom we are united as one.

We do not work to merit anything from God.
We do not work to ensure our inheritance remains intact.
We do not work out of fear of loss or missing out.

We work out of the overflow of Father’s abundant supply.
We work because deep in our hearts we want to do godly things.
We work because the love of God overwhelms us with the desire to express love to others.
We work because godly attitudes and actions now characterize our lives just as Father planned that they should.

So, the Lord sees and knows the things the Church does, how hard we work, and that we stick with it; He values it. Nevertheless, His love for us remains, his care for us remains certain. We remain His body and His spotless bride.


He Knows Part 2


EPHESIANS: Newness and Acceptance