On Fear and Doubt
Where does fear come from?
Is it from God or from the enemy?
Have you ever allowed into your mind legalistic thoughts and ideas about the way Father sees you? The result of that will be the same every single time you do it. You'll feel condemned. That's what scripture means when it says that the power of sin is the law.
Legalistic religious teaching is very popular because it is what "itching ears" want to hear. People want to hear that if they just try hard enough, they will make themselves OK with God. It's a lie, and it's one you must eradicate from your thinking.
Trying leads to frustration.
Trusting leads to contentment.
Maybe you've asked God to help your unbelief. And maybe that is exactly what He is doing. Maybe He is doing it by demonstrating to you that all your trying is doing nothing but causing you pain, anguish, and fear. He knows that once you have had enough of that, you will give up and just throw yourself on His mercy.
Maybe you believe God is the only one who can save you, but you are refusing to trust Him to live His Life in and through you. Instead, maybe you continue to insist that you must make certain behavioral and attitudinal changes, or you cannot "feel" saved. Maybe you think that because you sometimes (or often) don’t feel saved, you must not measure up in God’s view.
What if you stopped believing your feelings?
What if you decided to trust what God says instead?
Behavioral change is not instantaneous. It is the result of changes in your mindset. As you become more convinced of the truth of Christ in you, your attitudes and actions will become more like His.
May I presume to make a suggestion?
STOP watching and listening to people who tell you the same nonsense you've heard in legalistic churches all your life. Listen instead to the Holy Spirit of God who lives in you. Listen instead to what the Bible says about Jesus. He is the revelation of God to us. In the Lord Jesus we can see the glorious Love and grace of our wonderful Father.
He Loves you.