2025 Ministry Update

The last year was difficult for me on several levels. Our son (who lives with us) renovated the interior of our home. This meant a great deal of displacement for Joan and me, and it severely interrupted our established routines. Upheaval like this affects me far more these days than it did when I was younger. Personally, I have also been dealing with serious neck pain. I am hopeful the treatment I’ve undergone will prove effective, but I’m told it takes some time. As a family, we are dealing with some other difficult issues. Such things, of course, add concern and pressure.

Early in the year these situations caused me to pull back from some of the things I had been doing with the ministry. I never really got comfortable with an ad-hoc schedule for publishing. Thankfully I’ve been able to resume daily posting.

The Revelation
I’ve not been very consistent about publishing the study of The Revelation. I find that I have to be in the right frame of mind for this project. Publishing on this topic requires careful study, careful research, and careful writing. With my office in a disheveled state, (see the discussion about video below) I find it impossible to dedicate the uninterrupted time required. Please know that I have by no means forgotten about this project nor do I plan to change direction and forget about it.

Ministry Reach
The reach of the ministry increased in 2024. The E3 with Larry Eiss podcast was downloaded approximately 4,000 times and videos on YouTube were viewed nearly 6,000 times. We’ve reached 8,000 people in 80 countries on the website. Over 13,000 emails go out every month, and you get about 30 of them. Well over 10,000 people follow the ministry directly on Facebook, and some 2,000 more on various other social media platforms. This does not include the reach provided by the several Facebook groups to which I post. Their reach is in excess of 100,000 people currently.

I have been so encouraged by Father’s dependable supply of needed financial resources. Several of you have been a part of His plan to fund this ministry and I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you. If the Lord leads, please continue (or begin) to help financially. It is not an overstatement to say that this ministry could not go on as it is without your help.

2025 Plans
I had intended to close the “E3 with Larry Eiss” Page on Facebook, but I have changed my mind and have begun posting there again. As you may notice, the Page has undergone a minor rebranding to “Larry Eiss E3” and uses a portrait of me rather than the ministry logo. I’ve done that to make speaking from this Page more personal. In the coming year in addition to my regular posts, you can expect to find exclusive material there. In addition, I plan to enliven the ministry presence on Instagram, X, and Threads.

Many people prefer to watch videos rather than reading or listening. This year I plan to focus on video more on all the social-media platforms. Please pray about that because I need to make some changes in my office space to do this more easily and regularly. The biggest issue is that I’m dealing with a mildew problem. Solving that may involve some renovation.

Deeper Studies
Father is leading me more and more toward deep and careful study and I am really excited at the prospect of being able to spend more time doing that this year. I feel that I have the ability to explain difficult passages and concepts in a way that helps many understand them more clearly. That takes real work and real care. Your prayers for His preeminence in all of this are greatly appreciated.

Preaching and Teaching
I have been helping as needed at a local Baptist church. The opportunity to preach and teach there is such a rewarding blessing to me. Opportunities to speak to other groups have begun to materialize as well and I am finding these wonderfully fulfilling and uplifting. I am hoping to be able to do more of these in the coming year.

The website at LarryEiss.com is the hub for all I do, and I hope to improve it even more in the coming year. I plan to use links to my web-based content to give short posts on platforms like X and Threads a clear and easy pathway to deeper or more lengthy material. These platforms reach a very different audience than Facebook and I’m hoping many more people will see the Love and Grace of the Lord Jesus there. This will also provide me with a fast and easy way to post different things on these platforms rather than simply copying the same thing everywhere.


Salvation before Christ


Differences in Romans 8:1