Recovering from Failure

Recovering from Failure

One thing that changes when you come to belief in Jesus Christ is that you begin to feel awful when you behave in ungodly ways.

The enemy jumps right on this and tries to get you to think you aren't saved, or Father is disgusted by you.

He often plants the idea that you need to beat yourself up for a while to prove that you are truly sorry.

Don't wallow in that sin-focused mire of self-doubt, anger, and pity.

Turn your attention immediately to God. He's right there with open arms to comfort you and reaffirm you as His beloved child.

That unrest and sorrow you feel is the evidence that ungodly things do not fit you and can never satisfy you.

You are a child of the King now, and only upright and godly things fit you.

God is not condemning you. He has given you the Comforter, His Spirit, to live in you at all times--even when you are not acting like yourself.

That's the way of grace. Unconditional love, and peace that passes all understanding.


The Way it Should Be


Bible Reading