Permanent Change

Permanent Change

Born again.
A new creation.
A new creature.
Born of the Spirit.
Made alive.

There are many words and phrases used to describe the profound change that took place when we believed in Jesus Christ for right standing with God.

Scripture is abundantly clear about the fact that we are not what we once were. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to trust in the permanence of that change. We mess up, we continue habitual ungodly behavior, we act like we don't have the Spirit of God living in us.

Peter had something to say about this. He spends chapter 1 telling us who we are and what that looks like. In 1 Peter 1:18-19 & 23, he makes clear that we have nothing to worry about with regard to our new self. He begins by reminding us that Jesus didn't redeem us with anything as perishable as money, even if that money was made of elements like silver and gold.

Jesus redeemed us with His blood, His very life, which can never pass away. Then in verse 23 he reminds us that we were born again of incorruptible seed. The seed of God.

He was, and is, and is to come.
He can never cease to exist.

When we are regenerated, reborn, and indwelt by Him, we can know beyond doubt that, like Him, we are permanent.

It is impossible for us to mess this up. We're eternally sealed into His family.

That's the way of grace. Freedom, rest and peace.


EPHESIANS: Biblical Headship