Worship for Our Savior

Worship for Our Savior

Revelation 1:5b–6 (NASB 2020)
“To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood—and He made us into a kingdom, priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

Before he begins to relate to us the words he heard from the Lord Jesus, John pauses to worship. We’re given wonderful insight into the One we worship, and it begins with an introduction that praises what Jesus has done for us.

He loves us.
It is because of His great love for us that Jesus laid down his life for us. We love because He first loved us.

He has released us from our sins.
In laying down His life, Jesus took upon Himself the horrific consequences of our sin. Justice was served and we were freed from the law of sin and death.

He made us into a Kingdom.
Having been freed, we were made righteous, holy, and blameless. No longer under the dominion of darkness, we were made children of God and citizens of His glorious Kingdom.

He made us priests to serve God the Father.
Only priests could enter the holy place where God dwelled. The Lord Jesus gave us open access. We can boldly approach the throne of Grace and we are given the honor of introducing others to Him and His glorious Kingdom, thus participating in the accomplishment of His will for the world.

To Him, to this Great God, it is right and good that we should ascribe everlasting glory and everlasting dominion. The Person and Work of our great God is the theme of The Revelation. We are about to see Him up close and personal. We are about to see Him arrayed in majesty and glory. We are about to see Him in all His awesome power as He annihilates everything that might sully or hurt His bride and His children.




Why we Pray