Debilitating Challenges

Bearing Fruit in Dark Times

Suffering Believer,

So many of God’s children face debilitating challenges. For some, daily life is filled with chronic pain, illness, or weakness. Please know that your siblings in Christ are heartbroken over the challenges you’re facing. Know too, that you are not alone. Others face similar issues. For many, favorite things, hobbies, career paths, even ministries, are no longer possible.

Though we are ambassadors here, we all deal with the terrible brokenness of life in this fallen world. What we have that those without Christ do not have, is hope in God. He has placed His Spirit and His characteristics in us. As we grow to know Him more intimately, we find that even in the darkness of this valley shadowed by death, we can bear His fruit and express His characteristics to those in our orbit.

We can watch for the opportunities He brings our way to show Him to the medical staff, patients, whomever. Listen for His promptings and extend kindness, gentleness, and goodness. Spend time speaking with Father on behalf of others.

All such things are godly, loving, and spiritual acts of worship. In this way we can minister grace and manifest Christ even as we are suffering. No such thing goes unnoticed by Father. Lean into Him, saint.


Regretting the Past


Evil Spirits