EPHESIANS: You Have Learned Better
EPHESIANS: Number 49
Ephesians 4:20–21 (KJV)
20 But ye have not so learned Christ;
21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus.
We can learn something when we take note of the name chosen in reference to the Lord Jesus. He can be referred to in a number of ways because He is the son of man, a human man who walked the earth. He is the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed One, the Savior of the world. He is also Lord; indeed, He is King of kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Lamb of God. He is the Son of God. He is God.
Here, Paul has focused our attention on His role as Savior of the world in general, and of each of us in particular. We have “learned Christ.” We have come to know Jesus as our rescuer, our redeemer, our savor. This learning brought about a response in us. We came to believe that Jesus is the Christ, our hope of righteousness. Through faith in Him, we were reborn, made new, given righteousness, and the inheritance of eternal Life.
Verse 21 begins with the word “if.” This can give us pause, causing us to wonder if the sincerity of our faith might be brought into question. The Greek here does not allow us to reach that conclusion, however. The King James translates the single Greek word (which is a compound word) using four English words; “If so be that.” Other translations use “if indeed.” The word is “a particle of emphasis or qualification meaning if at least, if indeed, if so be. [Here it is] followed by the indicative [in this case “you have heard Him”] and spoken of what is taken for granted.” *
Paul assumes he is speaking to believers here. He intends what follows to be understood as descriptive of them and instructional for them.
Continuing in verse 21, he refers to the Lord Jesus as “Jesus”, saying that we have heard Christ, we have been taught by Christ, and that teaching is according to the Truth in Jesus. Jesus Himself said that He is the Truth. John said that Jesus was full of grace and truth. So, Paul selected “Jesus” to refer to the Lord here because it is in and through Jesus that we see and know God. Just as Jesus said, “if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father” (John 14:9).
* Spiros Zodhiates, The complete word study dictionary: New Testament, 2000. (see also BDAG p278 6 b)