You’ll See

You’ll See

The day will come when you look back and notice that you have changed.

You'll see that the tug to do certain ungodly things you’ve been doing has grown much weaker than it was.
You'll discover that you have become more loving than you used to be.
You’ll notice that all the turmoil and nonsense going on in the world bothers you less.

When that day comes, you'll also more frequently notice the small changes God is making in you. Then you'll stop discounting the tiny improvements in your character and realize that they are the work of the Spirit within you.

It is God who works in you to desire and to do godly things (see Philippians 2:13) That includes loving like He loves.

Resting in the knowledge that He has made you righteous by giving you His righteousness as a gift, you will more fully believe that you are loved and blameless in Christ.

Abraham had an illicit relationship with a woman not his wife because he doubted God’s promise (see Genesis 16:4). Yet later he was said to have unwavering faith (see Romans 4:20). God changed Abraham.

In the same way, God has changed you. He has promised to complete the good work He has begun in you (see Philippians 1:6). That is the freeing truth of Christ in you.

You’ll see.


Righteous Despite Appearances


Remember Who You ARE