Just Jesus

Just Jesus

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
(John 14:6)

The way to God is Jesus.
The truth about God is Jesus.
The source and definition of life is Jesus.
Apart from Jesus there is no way to know God.
Apart from Jesus there is no truth.
Apart from Jesus there is no life.

This is why Jesus said things like:
Believing on me is really believing on God.
Whoever sees me sees God.
(John 12:44-45)


Whoever rejects me is judged at the last day by the word I have spoken because I spoke God's word, God's commandment, and that is life everlasting.
(John 12:47-50)

He could say that God's word, God's commandment, is life because He is God's word encased in flesh. (John 1:1)

Notice that "commandment" is singular in John 12:49 and 50.

Now jump to John 13:34 and see what that commandment is. He gave us a new commandment. The commandment is that we love one another as He has loved us.

We hear that we should witness and tell the world about Jesus, but Jesus says in the very next verse that everyone will know that we are His if we love one another.

That's because God is Love.

Jesus is the way.
Jesus is the truth.
Jesus is the life.
Jesus is God.
Jesus is love.

That's the way of grace. Jesus is everything and you make Him real to people everywhere you go.


Born of God


Slave to Sin