EPHESIANS: Gifts With a Purpose
Gifts with Purpose
Verse 8 mentioned that He gave gifts to men. Lest anyone think this phrase indicates that women do not receive gifts from God, let me point out that the Greek word here is (anthropos). This word refers to a human person of either sex. As we continue our study at verse 11, we will look at some of these gifts and the reason they were given to us.
Ephesians 4:11–16 (KJV 1900)
“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers”.
I don’t know about you, but I am very glad that Father saw to it that each of us individually has gifts that fit us. The body, we are told, has many parts and every part has its function and is valuable and useful.
I’m not an evangelist. I’m awkward at it and it simply doesn’t fit me. I’ve met people who are evangelists, and they seem to be at ease in that role. For sure, they are gifts from God Nevertheless, I too am a gift from God—as are you.
I’m saying this so that no one gets the idea that they are left out because their particular talents, affinities, proclivities, personality traits, or aptitudes are not listed here. Like all such lists, this is not comprehensive. Rather, it is an example of the type of gifts Father has given the Church.
Let’s define our terms. As usual, I have relied on BDAG for these definitions. This is arguably the best researched and edited lexicon available today and it can be trusted to present meaning and nuance very carefully.
Apostles are messengers, delegates, envoys, ambassadors. In the New Testament the word is predominately used to refer to highly honored believers with a special function as God’s envoys. This is the reason we call the twelve most prominent, who encountered Jesus directly the Apostles, with a capital A. It is also the reason we are well advised to take great care in bestowing this title upon people. It is one that should never be bestowed upon oneself.
Prophets are those gifted and inspired to proclaim divine will or purpose. There are some who have spiritual discernment and insight designed for a purpose. We will see that purpose shortly. Here again, care must be taken. Not everyone who tells us they have “a word from the Lord” is a prophet.
Evangelists are proclaimers of the Gospel. There is often some perceived overlap here because many who are gifted as, for example, pastors or teachers, proclaim the Gospel. I would fall into this category. Nevertheless, those gifted as evangelists have a special role. Probably the best-known example of an evangelist in my lifetime was Billy Graham. His entire life’s work was to tell the good news of Jesus Christ to as many as would hear it and to help them come to faith in God.
A pastor is one who serves as a guardian, leader, or shepherd of Christian fellowships. There are some these days who say that this role is not mentioned in the Bible and should not exist. This is a reaction to some church leaders who have lorded over people and elevated themselves at the expense of others. The Greek word translated “pastor” means shepherd and when used in the context of the Church it refers to the role of guardian as well as to leaders. Old Testament examples set the tone. Jeremiah 3:15, for example, says, “I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Ezekiel 34:2 speaks directly to the problem that has resulted in some decrying the whole idea of pastors. It says, “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?”
Teachers tell someone what to do. They instruct people. This can take place in either a formal or informal setting. We have an excellent example here at this church. Pastor Darius is a pastor. He shepherds, guards, and leads the people in this fellowship. I am a teacher; I explain the Scriptures and instruct people how to understand them and what to do about it. Both of us preach and teach, yet we have two different roles in the church. I’m a poor pastor, but I can teach.