
Current Tribulation

Climate change, global pandemic, earthquake, wildfire, tornado, unrest, war, political division, these calamities are unsettling. They show that the world in which we live is unstable and not dependable.

In Exodus Chapter 8 and following we read of God’s work in freeing the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. God sent the plagues to warn and persuade Pharaoh to release the Hebrew people from slavery. He gave Pharaoh nine opportunities to change his mind and let the people go, but when Pharoah refused, judgement followed.

The calamity in the world is like the plagues in Egypt. It gives people the impetus to think about God. It demonstrates that the world system is not dependable. It shows that people can't count on their governments, their wealth, their status, or their preparations.

Father is allowing the broken world and its systems and governments to continue so that people have the time they need to repent (change their minds) and believe Him.

Father is giving people time to change their minds and put their faith in Him so that everyone who will come does come. One day however, there will be judgement.

In the meantime, we who live in Christ are His ambassadors, urging people to see that the world system is not trustworthy and choose to be reconciled to God. As ambassadors, we are not exempted from these events or their effects on our lives. They cause us pain and none of us would ask for them. Even so, Father has a way of redeeming them for our good. It's in the difficult times that we come to know Him more intimately, to trust Him more exclusively, to grow in grace.

Be encouraged, Saints. There is a reason for all the suffering in the world. Father is giving people time to change their minds about Him and at the same time, He is causing us to grow in grace and the knowledge of Him. Like our Lord Jesus, we endure this suffering for the joy set before us, intimate relationship with God and the promise of the inheritance of the saints in light. (see Colossians 1:12)


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