Apocalypse, Encouragement Larry Eiss Apocalypse, Encouragement Larry Eiss

The End of the World

The idea of Jesus coming at any moment used to fill me with fear. I was worried that He would show up right after I had done some terrible thing or thought some terrible thought or had some terrible motive in my heart and that I would be lost. Those fears were completely unfounded.

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Encouragement, Tribulation Larry Eiss Encouragement, Tribulation Larry Eiss

These Tumultuous Days

Father counsels us to fill our minds with good input. It is not necessary for us to give place to worldly rumors, conspiracies, and predictions. We can choose to fill our minds with what is good and godly. We can scroll past negativity. We can unsubscribe from sources of ill feelings. We can cancel our appointments with serial purveyors of doom and gloom. The Kingdom, we are told in Romans 14:17, is “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

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