When we Doubt

When we Doubt

There are times when we find ourselves in the desert for sure. I’ve certainly been there. You are not alone. Fear and doubt come from the enemy, not from Father. It’s good to listen to good teaching. It’s great to spend time in Scripture too. It is important that we keep our minds set on good things and things of the Spirit.

I have found that one important thing that helped to make me certain that God is in me is observing things He has done in my life or the lives of those I love. When I look back over the years I can remember when my children first believed and the changes He made in their lives. I can remember times when I had turned difficult problems over to Him and He solved them for me. I can recall times when He inspired me to give to someone and my wife had the exact same idea. These things serve as markers for my faith. I can look back on them and see His fingerprints on my life.

Let me encourage you that the fact that you are concerned about your doubts is strong evidence that you are indeed indwelt by Holy Spirit. If you were not, you wouldn’t be worried about it. How could you be worried about something you didn’t believe in the first place?

Relax. Just live day to day without expecting feelings. When doubts come, reassure yourself that it’s OK and nothing you can do can possibly separate you from God. Then go right back to resting and just living your everyday life. The inner sense of God’s presence will return in time.


Love and Obey


Saints and Sinners