Thoughts on Election

You are the elect of God.
You were elected according to God's foreknowledge.

But before you begin thinking that means God picked you, but not your neighbor, let's take a look at just how your election came about.

It happened through you being set apart (sanctified) by the Spirit and through the blood of Jesus Christ.
(See 2 Peter 1:2)

Do you see it?

His foreknowledge:
Before time began, God saw that we would all become lost, separated from Him, spiritually dead.

His election:
From the very start, He put a plan in place to fix that for anyone who would believe Him.

So you are elect.

Anyone who wants it can be elect.

But God forces no one.

His love is genuine and selfless, so He was eager to do what was necessary to restore you to fellowship with Him; to restore you to life.

But if you chose to do it yourself (to reject His offer of payment to redeem you back from the slavery into which you had sold yourself) He would not bully you.

That's the way of grace. Gentle, kind, and selfless.


The New You


Born Again