Edification, Sin Larry Eiss Edification, Sin Larry Eiss

Christians Cannot Sin

The issue is at least partially how one chooses to define sin. In various places we are told that sin is the transgression of the law, that whatever is not of faith is sin, and so on. The Greek word for sin is (hamartia). At its most basic, this word means to miss the mark.

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Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss


Suicide is very difficult to understand. People have a very difficult time reconciling it with their theology. This is especially true when a believer has made this heartbreaking choice. Poor teaching complicates this for many. Passages in 1 Corinthians and 1 John are often presented as evidence that suicide is unforgivable, raising questions about eternal life. Let’s take a closer look at this.

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Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss


We can feel guilt when we grieve the Holy Spirit, but feeling guilt is not the same as being guilty. Father does not use guilt to motivate good behavior. He uses love.

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Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss

Blasphemy, the Unforgivable Sin

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees. These guys were institutional religion personified. These folks wanted everyone to live by their rules and if they didn't the Pharisees condemned them. They taught that obedience to the Law was what made people righteous and put them in right standing with God.

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