Encouragement, Obedience Larry Eiss Encouragement, Obedience Larry Eiss

Take up Your Cross

I was taught in my youth that this passage was talking about the way I needed to live my life as a Christian. It was said that I was to give up everything I might want, including life itself, in service to God and if I didn’t, God wasn’t going to be very happy with me.

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Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss Encouragement, Sin Larry Eiss

Blasphemy, the Unforgivable Sin

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees. These guys were institutional religion personified. These folks wanted everyone to live by their rules and if they didn't the Pharisees condemned them. They taught that obedience to the Law was what made people righteous and put them in right standing with God.

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Encouragement, Tribulation Larry Eiss Encouragement, Tribulation Larry Eiss

These Tumultuous Days

Father counsels us to fill our minds with good input. It is not necessary for us to give place to worldly rumors, conspiracies, and predictions. We can choose to fill our minds with what is good and godly. We can scroll past negativity. We can unsubscribe from sources of ill feelings. We can cancel our appointments with serial purveyors of doom and gloom. The Kingdom, we are told in Romans 14:17, is “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

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