Bible Larry Eiss Bible Larry Eiss

The Bible

The Bible is a message from God. As such, it tells a singular story. That story is that God has prepared a plan to make a new creation, both a new heaven and earth, and new people. When we look at scripture at a high level, undistracted by the details, we see something incredible. We see God telling this story over and over in many different ways.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Blood Covenant

Everything in the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament points to this. All of it is designed to communicate about the Lord Jesus Christ. The covenants established in the Hebrew scriptures all required blood. This new covenant is no different. Life is on the line.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Without Hope Without God

Many have taught, and not a few still teach, that Christianity is essentially a “Judeo/Christian” religion. Many have been told that at least some part of the covenant of the Law handed down from God to the nation of Israel by Moses applies to us today. Most would exclude the ceremonial laws and the sacrificial laws, even the dietary laws. But, they say, we need to keep the moral laws.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Work is Poetry

God spoke into existence everything that exists; except you. You, he “formed”. You, He fashioned. You, He crafted as one works to craft a poem. You are His workmanship, His poem. As amazing as that is, the verse doesn’t stop there. The Craftsman created us; and the venue or context in which this creation took place is “in Christ Jesus.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss


When we want to know why something in the Bible was said or done or the reason we are instructed to think or behave in a certain way, there are some key words we want to be sure we do not ignore. Words like “therefore”, “that”, and “for.” So, as we look for the reason why God Loved us so greatly and extended His vast mercy toward us, we can expect to find answers after those words.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss


We may wonder if someone is beyond hope. We may find their attitudes and actions repulsive. What they do might turn our stomachs. It might make us furiously angry. We may be hurt by their obstinate and stubborn refusal even to hear the truth.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Disobedience and Wrath

Scripture paints a picture of humanity as deriving from one of two sources. One source is characterized by independence, opposition, disobedience, rejection of the Love of God. The other Source is characterized by dependence, fellowship, obedience, and acceptance. All people are children of one or the other. Independence results in evil and spiritual death. Dependence results in righteousness and spiritual Life.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: The Evil Prince

Every day we see and hear things the world wants to promote. We are bombarded with ideas the world would like to foist upon us. We hear of intractable problems and dark predictions about our future. All these things should be red flags. They come from the earthy mindset of those who remain as we once were. Without hope and without God in the world.

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Bible, Encouragement Larry Eiss Bible, Encouragement Larry Eiss

Conditional Love?

This verse recently gave me pause. The verse was John 16:27, which says, “the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father. (NASB 2020) I was surprised, stunned really, and a little frightened, at the word “because.”

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Bible Larry Eiss Bible Larry Eiss

Philippians 3:10-13 - A Brief Exegesis

Paul said some very confusing things in this passage. Things like:
“If somehow I may attain to the resurrection”
“Not that I have already grasped it all or become perfect”
“I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet”

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Biblical Headship

The head is never separated from the body. The cornerstone is never displaced from the building. If either of these things were to happen, life and building would cease. The Lord Jesus is preeminent. He is the head, but not in the way of the world which makes the preeminent into dictators, tyrants, and oppressors.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Raised and Seated

The Lord Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in the heavenly realm. This seat of power is, we are told, “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.” Far above. ALL. And we are in Christ. Where He is, there we are.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Hope Glory Power

Looking with physical eyes, we are prone to judging by appearance. This is true whether we are speaking of other people or of the Lord Jesus Himself. Seeing in this way gives us only the earthly perspective of the flesh. But there is a better way, a higher way, a more excellent way.

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Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss Ephesians, Bible Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Wisdom and Revelation

Paul is careful in several places to point out the faith and love of the believers in the fellowships to which he writes. This is very significant. It would seem that Holy Spirit wants to ensure that we are reminded that it is faith which pleases God. It is dependent living borne of trust that He is our Life.

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Bible, Translation Larry Eiss Bible, Translation Larry Eiss

Indignant or Compassionate

Thoughts on Mark 1:41

In this verse nearly all Bible translations say that Jesus was moved with compassion. The NIV, however, says that Jesus was indignant. Having reviewed over a dozen translations, NIV appears to be alone in this rendering.

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