Encouragement, Mindset Larry Eiss Encouragement, Mindset Larry Eiss

Walk by the Spirit

Over the long term, we cannot live our lives in a way inconsistent with who we believe ourselves to be. If we believe we are at war with ourselves, we will act like it. We will find ourselves in a constant battle to have better attitudes and actions. All our focus will be on fixing ourselves.

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Freedom, Encouragement Larry Eiss Freedom, Encouragement Larry Eiss

Meet Susie

Saints, we were designed to live by faith in dependence on God. He is the source of the Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control for which our spirits yearn.

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Bible, Encouragement Larry Eiss Bible, Encouragement Larry Eiss

Conditional Love?

This verse recently gave me pause. The verse was John 16:27, which says, “the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father. (NASB 2020) I was surprised, stunned really, and a little frightened, at the word “because.”

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