Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Grace and Peace

I find it difficult to read the word “saint” without commenting on the Greek behind it. (Okay, I find it hard not to comment on the Greek much of the time.) But “saint” translates a Greek word that I think we would all benefit from committing to memory.

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Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss Bible, Ephesians Larry Eiss

EPHESIANS: Introduction

As is Paul’s way, he presents us first with the doctrinal truth upon which his practical instructions rest. First he tells us what God has done for us and who He has made us. Only when this has been established does he instruct, admonish or command.

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Edification, Bible Larry Eiss Edification, Bible Larry Eiss

Willing Spirit Weak Flesh

In our heart, we want to have godly attitudes and actions, but the flesh sometimes (maybe even often) results in our failure to do that. Ungodly attitudes and actions happen when the temptation of the worldly way of living by what seems best to our senses draws us away from the godly responses and behaviors we truly want.

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